Original animation by Wikimedia Commons user WillowW, used under the CC-By 3.0 license. The -O2 option is not strictly necessary, but it's likely to shrink the file size of the resulting animation by optimizing the frames to avoid needlessly re-drawing static parts of the animation.)įor a demostration, here's an animation of the human glyoxalase I (GLO1) enzyme from Wikimedia Commons (left), and the same animation with transparency added using the method shown above (right):

This allows extra transparency to be added to the frames without letting the earlier frames show through the transparent parts. (The important options here are -U / -unoptimize and -disposal=previous, which together convert the animation into "flipbook mode", where each frame is fully erased before drawing the next one. Where anim.gif and anim_trans.gif are the source and destination file names, and #ffffff is the hex code of the color you want to make transparent (here, pure white). You can do this with GIFsicle, using the following options: gifsicle -U -disposal=previous -transparent=" #ffffff" -O2 anim.gif > anim_trans.gif